Sunday, November 4, 2012

Just Beneath the Surface

Photo by Jan Vernee

Just beneath the surface, trains
rumble in her sleep, oil paints
skate Austrian Alps, huckleberries
transform to jam, wiggling
in tin buckets amid threat of bear
attack. Just beneath the surface, wooden
slats squeak below blustery corner
oak tree, carrot tops quiver in cool
northwestern winds. Just beneath the surface,
she’s crumbling at lull of Mozart, shivering
at sight of birch trees, swallowing
away tears while sucking down his favorite
chocolates. Just beneath the surface,
she masks lament, a child deserted.

Written from the Day Four prompt written by Marie Elena Good for Poem-a-Day.


  1. I am just bowled over by this one, Linda. Oil paints skate Austrian Alps is just such a wonderfully visual and surreal line. I really love this.

    1. What a wonderful comment. Thank you so much, Misky.

  2. Love the imagery, Linda, and the ending surprised me.

  3. "...swallowing away tears while sucking down his favorite chocolates." Takes the salty with the sweet. Nice images.

  4. So nice Linda. To me this poem reads full of pain. And for some very bizarre reason I've got Lorna Crozier's poem Carrots in my mind just as I read this. No idea why. :)

    1. OMG .. wow. I had to look that poem up. Pretty good description of carrots. **blushing**
      Thanks for reading and commenting, Veronica. I appreciate it.
