Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Haiku and Watercolor

They make a nice combination, don't they? Like chihuahuas and raincoats. (My dog would agree, mainly because she thinks it means, "walk.")

The other day, I wanted to make another simple book using recycled cardboard and this is what I came up with. I thought the pattern would make a nice book to toss into my purse for that haiku urge when I'm waiting around at my kids' "extracurriculars." 

The cover is a little messy, but I don't mind; it's representative of nature.

I've also been reading up on tea bag art. Lynn Hoppe has some amazing works on her site, but I didn't have any wax. I did have some already-been-brewed teabags drying in my kitchen, so today I got them out and played around with my watercolors. The thought of my watercolor chapbook from last year helped me decide that it would be nice to add some in to my haiku journal.

I painted flowers onto paper and also onto one of the tea bags. Then I attached the tea bag over the paper as the first page of my book. And so it begins.

Amid winter’s height,
housewife avoids dusting shelves,
grows flowers instead.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Putting Frustration into Art - Making Mini Books

When life gives you . . . no, not lemons. I love lemons! When it gives you something that doesn't sit very well in your soul . . . make art.

For those of you who are my friends on Facebook, you know that "something" happened recently to make me take a break from the place. Thankfully I pretty much view every happening in my life as a learning opportunity, so rather than letting this event eat me up, I put myself into my art.

Other than writing a few poems, I have been playing around with book making. I wanted to re-use found products from around the house and I was so excited when I found the perfect item.

Every year at Christmas, I buy my sister a box of Botan rice candy for her stocking. This year, my husband wound up buying some for his family as well. I took one of the boxes and started envisioning what I could make from it. Yes, a book!

Since the cardboard is a little thin, I glued red cardstock to the inside of each cover. I decided to have the covers sitting in opposite directions, so when you flip the book over vertically, the opposite cover will be right side up (see the spine photo for clarification).

I made six signatures of five folded sheets, giving the book a total of 120 pages (fronts and backs).

After sewing the signatures together, I decided I did not want to stitch or glue the book to the cover; I tied it on instead. I'm very happy with the way the cord looks. I think it adds to the Asian style.  

Now I'm feeling inspired. What other trash can I use to make books out of?

Thanks for reading. I hope to be back to Facebook soon. In the meantime, have some lemonade and read a good book!



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Freedom of Speech

Photo by Atif Gulzar

She only has freedom
of speech in the presence
of his ears if he approves
of what she says



Photo by Kasiakay

The longer he 
is gone, the clearer 
I can see him.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Example of a Coptic Stitched Book

I thought I would share the coptic stitched book I made today.

  • Binding is hand sewn with hemp cord. 
  • Cover is recycled cardboard and heavy paper. 
  • Inside has three signatures of ten pages each (adding up to a thirty page book).
Initially, my plan for the binding was a simple stitch, but things didn't go as planned. Oh well. I'm learning. 

Front Cover

Coptic-Stitched with Hemp Cord

Inside Front Cover

Back Cover


Dale Chihuly's Works of Glass (Visit my Guest Post)

I am pleased to have a guest post up at Lara Britt's site today, in which I highlight my visit last summer to Dale Chihuly's long-term exhibition in Seattle, Chihuly Garden and Glass.

Thanks for visiting!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Book Giveaway

Though I’m feeling a bit disoriented today, I did manage to make a book.

I'm working on perfecting my skills because I've had this dream of creating some handmade books for Mouse Tales Press with some selections since the magazine's birth.

Recycled cardboard
10 Sheets of printer paper
A photograph I took in Idaho printed onto 1 heavy sheet of paper

Instead of hand sewing this book like I’ve done with all my other creations, I decided to sew it on my machine. I was pleasantly surprised at how it turned out.

Now I’m curious, would anybody like to win this?

Are you Up for a Challenge?

One of my goals this year is to increase my blog followers. I know, I know. The best way to draw readers is to write posts that people want to read. I'm . . . **cough** . . . still working on that one.

The challenge? Whoever can get me the most fans wins this little book.

On the ending date, just email with the names of people you got to fan "this here" blog. Please only one email per person though. Send it to LGHatton(at)gmail(dot)com.

This is all an experiment, so maybe I'm being delusional. Heh heh heh .. hey, at least I'm trying.

Thank you!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

More Poetry News to Make Me Spark(le)

Okay, I wasn’t going to write this tonight, but that little voice in my head kept nagging me.

First, let me tell you about some upcoming classes with my (former) teacher, Christina Burress. She will again be teaching an online “Forms of Poetry” class through UCSD Extension in the spring.

If you live in San Diego, she is also teaching a “live” class:

Modern American Poetry: A World of Wonders

Dive into the rich and wonderful world of modern American poetry, from the 19th-century greats, Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman, to 20th-century masters, to the experimental poetry of our own time. In this unusual class, we’ll combine in-class discussion, creative writing exercises, and easy-to-understand interpretive approaches with Al Filreis’s popular online lectures from the U. of Pennsylvania that attracted 30,000 students from around the world. Read, encounter and discuss a wide range of extraordinary American poetry in an engaging and inspiring environment that encourages collaboration and creativity. Be part of the amazing renaissance of poetry occurring around you right now. Discover how easy it is to make poetry an essential pleasure in your life, both as reader and as creator. No prior knowledge of poetry is necessary.

Instructor: Christina Burress
Section: 094548 Course No. LIT-40087
Time/Date: M 6:30-8:45 p.m., Apr. 8-Jun. 3; no mtg. May 27 (8 mtgs.)
Location: UCSD Extension University City Ctr. Room 301, 6256 Greenwich Dr., San Diego
Credit: 2 units in Literature
Fee: $250 ($225 if enrolled by Mar. 11).
No refunds after: Apr. 12


Okay, now on to the news I mentioned on Facebook earlier today.

This morning, I got another poetry acceptance. One of my favorite poems, “Becoming,” was accepted by Spark: A Creative Anthology.

I don’t know yet when it will be published, but the news is helping to nudge me along on my submission journey. Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Bit of Good News About Poetry

Lately, it seems I've been getting rejection after rejection. After rejection.

Oh well, I've been wanting to learn more book-binding skills anyway. Here is my first coptic-stitched book (template) that I made over the past few days:

As far as submissions though, thank goodness for my poem, "No Return," appearing in the January issue of Enhance magazine (on page 18). I still had a few submissions left to hear back from - and today, I did.

I'm very excited that my poem, "Flurries," has been selected to appear in the, San Diego Poetry Annual. My poetry teacher, Christina Burress, referred me to the publication on the last day that submissions were open. I have taken two classes with Christina through UCSD (University of California San Diego) Extension online. If you are looking for a class, she is a great teacher!

From my acceptance letter, "Again, congratulations on being part of the San Diego Poetry Annual, which is now part of the permanent collections of every college, university library in San Diego, the county and city library systems and the public libraries of independent cities throughout our region, from Escondido to El Cajon, Oceanside to Chula Vista."

This kick-in-the-pants came at just the right time. Just when those rejections were threatening an attack of the junk-food binges.

Have you had anything published lately? I'd love to read your work. Feel free to post your links in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Small Stones: Menopausal Day

Photo by Linda G Hatton

In the face-slapping
bitterness of winter, employees
male and female
alike, experienced men-
opausal symptoms, complaining
they were too hot, then becoming
too cold, recipients
of water flooding down
on them, leaving clothing
as drenched
as a hot


Monday, January 14, 2013


Photo by Linda G Hatton

She reached to turn the volume 
down, so she could hear 
the thunder, realizing her radio 
was off and there was no 
way to turn down 
the sound of the rain.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Small Stones: The Happening

Photo by Linda G Hatton

Mother and son
seeking island getaway,
enter lobby to find
marbled eyes of daughter,
attempting family-free
lunch date, asking with black,
warped winks, did you
really just walk in here?
Instead of hurried departure, we
wave to the backs of her
pack, and request opposable
seating, winding up
with a lunch-date
of sliced limes flaunting
at our glasses
of plain


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Small Stones: Layered

Photo by Linda G Hatton

Voices shiver through dusty
air, announcing two 
jackets are too few
for twenty-eight degrees


Written for Writing Our Way Home's January writing challenge, Small Stones.


Small Stones: Land of Nod

This "Small Stone" poem is written for the challenge at Writing Our Way Home

Photo by Linda G Hatton

Eyelids curled under
like a sleeping
bear, perceive hibernating
mountains as a blustery mass


Friday, January 11, 2013


From that one sentence, 
her whole life 
suddenly made sense. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Them's the Breaks

I've been taking one. A break. Slowly, I'm getting back into the swing. Transferring poems from my journal to my computer, putting away the holidays, participating in Poetic Asides.

Below is my attempt for today:

Photo of Miles by Linda G Hatton

If I Were My Child

I would hold my own hand,
mosey along lily-pad pond, skip
a day or two of (pre)occupation
about being right, rock
myself awake, dab at my own
fears, dabble in anything
that pushed me away, listen
for a dollar, then listen for nothing
more than warmth
of knowing love is the means,
but not guaranteed.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I have some catching up to do. After two weeks away from cyberland - and now facing a mound of laundry, dishes, and holiday clutter - I feel disoriented.

I took a journey and remembered to take some photos for the "journey" prompt. Tonight though when I looked through my files, I found this:

It was like my dad was there with me on the trip.

The name, "Reinke" always reminds me of him (it contains part of his name). We were somewhere in California when I saw this; the plates on the truck are Washington where he lived. The nickname, "Honey," reminds me of him, too. Oh, and the number 19 was his birthday.

So there you go, a "sign" for me, and from me to you (for the picture prompt).

Safe travels, wherever your path may lead you.
