My Book Characters Are Screaming |
Today I celebrate the progress I’ve made using tools I learned about in Robert Lee Brewer’s April 2012 Platform Challenge.
When I think back to where I was one year ago, it’s hard to remember. The months have blended, broken down only by my kids’ school schedules. So I decided to do a little research.
Pulling up my blog website, I found that before April 2012, I had written a whopping 30 posts on my blog since its birth in 2009.
As of April 9, 2013, that number increased to 112 posts.
I would say the Platform Challenge jump-started my blogging.
Some months I was busier than others. For instance, when I participated in Robert’s November Poem-a-Day challenge, I decided to post all of my poems on my blog. I also participated in at least one submission challenge, the Submit-o-Rama with Khara House. It was a busy year and some of my successes included having poetry accepted by various literary magazines.
I also met an amazing group of supportive writers; we band together under the name Wordsmith Studio. (Thank you to all of you!)
And now that I think about it, even though I’ve struggled with finding my “brand,” I have settled into a comfortable place there as well.
My blog claims that I spend time, “Interpreting signs in the storefront of life.” That pretty much sums it up.
Stay on Track
Still, I have that work-in-progress sitting in the rafters.
It’s calling out to me. I can hear it.
I keep getting side-tracked. Maybe I'm spending too much time browsing through that storefront.
A blog post here, a challenge there, a website update here, a hand-crafted book there, a favor here, another favor there; it has left me with a still-not-finished book.
Yes, I’ve started rewriting the ending. And I do have a clearer picture of the overall story. I’ve made progress.
I’m still frustrated simply because it’s not done.
Last night was I was thinking about where I’ve been and where I want to go, I decided blogging is not my priority.
Yes, I enjoy it and I plan to continue, but for my own self-fulfillment (sanity?), I need to put my work-in-progress first.
So today I turned off my social media and . . . I, uh, I . . . well, I wrote this blog post.
Hmmm . . . still distracted.
No More Distractions
Time to close this file - and brush the dust off my book; I can hear the characters screaming my name.
First, to my friends at Wordsmith Studio (and to Robert!) - Thank you all for riding along on this journey with me. I’ve enjoyed watching your progress. And I appreciate the encouragement I’ve received.
Here's to another great year ahead sharing our fears, our learning, and our many successes!