Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Life

How ironic, that out of frustration, I wrote a letter to life as a Facebook status this morning. That happens to be part of the prompt for Poem-a-Day today: write a letter.

So below is the first of my two poems for "Two for Tuesday." I will (hopefully) post a second one later today, for which the prompt is "write a recipe."

By the way, today's prompts were contributed by Michael Grove.

Photo by Mateusz Stachowski

Dear Life,
Though you are giving me juicy
things to write about, I would appreciate
the time to write them.
A Frustrated Writer



  1. I love that. It is so true. I have several blog posts in my head write now. I've jotted down the possible title in hopes that when I get to it, I'll remember what exactly what I wanted to write. So I either have several titles in the bank or I'm staring at the screen when I have time saying, "Now what?"

    Visiting from TALU

    1. Yes, that definitely helps. :-)
      Thanks for visiting, Kenya!

  2. Hi Linda, I love your poems! Fantastic...
    Thanks for linking up with the TALU!

    1. Hi Anne, Thanks for stopping by. And for hosting TALU (and educating). :-)

  3. How true is that! I should post this one on my desktop. (TALU)

  4. Oh, good! You figured out your TALU-ho!
