Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wish You Were Here

I'm spending my summer trying to do things that make me a little nervous. This below photo says it all. Relaxation. 

It's hard for me to allow myself to follow through with it. Even as I took a rest on this hammock, I felt the urge to do something, so I got out my camera and snapped some photos.

The other day I grabbed these treasures from a used bookstore.

Strangely when I opened them, I read about artichokes in both books. This is significant for me right now. I'm peeling away my layers to get to my heart, self-protected for too long.

Here is one:

      - by Joseph Hutchison

      O heart weighed down by so many wings.

Time is flying by, but I'm taking this summer vacation time to both have fun and look inside. I don't wish to be anywhere else at the moment.

(This post is in response to the recent Wordsmith Studio prompt, "Wish You Were Here.")



  1. Great post, Linda. The photo is nice and what great books to find.
    Enjoy your summer.

  2. I can't believe it! I just finished the Poetry Home Repair Manual. Really that is just too amazing. Have a great time. Miss you!

    1. That is a wonderful coincidence! (Though I think I told you that already.)

  3. Linda, a friend gave me Poetry Home Repair Manual a few years ago. I never finished reading it. Maybe your mention will inspire to to return to it and finish. I love the title Full Woman Fleshy Apple Hot Moon. Will miss you. Enjoy!

    1. So many books, so little time, huh? Have you gotten back to it yet? I'm still not finished though I'm enjoying it! Thanks for visiting, Sabra!

  4. Pablo Neruda is one of my favorites, but I do mix up the title sometimes when I suggest the book to someone-comes out Full Fleshy Woman with Hot Apple Pie.
    Peeling the layers, takes time and tears, just like onions.
    I've been tagged by Jennifer Chow in a blog hop to share some writer info "Writers Tell All," and now I tag you. I'm referring my readers to your site.

    1. Thank you, Alvarado! I appreciate that! Do I need to do anything in return for the blog hop??
      I love the alternate title you've given the Neruda book!
