Thursday, November 13, 2014

Catching up with Poetry

I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging over the last several months. I've missed it, but I’ve learned some new things in life. 

Like last week, I learned that I use my geometry skills when I sew. Maybe that’s why putting together (or drawing) pattern pieces sometimes hurts my brain.

I learned that love helps me to accomplish things I may not have otherwise done (or even had the belief I could do). For instance, even though I haven’t sewn much in around twenty or so years, I built an entire cosplay costume for my daughter in about five days. All in the name of love.

Photo of Piper by Linda G Hatton
Piper as Satsuki

I learned that I could heal health problems I've had for five years using only natural methods. That was a miracle to me. Sometime I will go into detail about that.

For now, can you believe it’s nearly mid-November? I have only written a few poems for the November PAD challenge. I was going to try to catch up, but I think I will just do what I can (thanks, Pearl!). There are some things going on in this crazy world that have made me sad. For now, I will leave them in this poem, written using the prompts from day one through day thirteen.

Photo by Kevin Brandon
She Rode off into the Distance

Her Life Was Not Optional

I’m game, she said. Our time together,
again, has come to a close, we’ve pulled
the last blanket up on her, on days of playing
super hero. Keep this between us
I am happy now where I am. It was her
compulsion to become timeless, both seen
and unseen all at once, something in the news,
someone people would talk about forever.
We all hope she is happy now wherever
she is, having blinded us all—those who knew her
and those who did not—by the pain she left
that night on the train even after it pushed on.


  1. Game Over
  2. Together Again
  3. Blanket
  4. Write a super hero poem/Write a super heroine poem.
  5. Keep this (blank)
  6. Happy now poem
  7. Compulsion
  8. Write a “blind” poem
  9. Write about something in the news
  10. (Blank) Trouble
  11. Timely poem/Timeless poem
  12. Write about something that cannot be seen
  13. Optional



  1. How clever of you to combine the prompts. That's not an easy task, but you did it! I, too, am playing catch up.

    I am terrible at sewing so I admire your work.

    You are an inspiration! I, too, am currently trying to heal my body with natural methods. I am making progress.

  2. I could have sworn I responded to this.
    The costume was quite a challenge. I'm glad that's over! Whew!
    I'm glad to hear you're making progress with your health.
    Thank you for reading and for your nice comments.
